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Abenteuer Vorlaut


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February 23, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Zwischen Konfetti und Polo­naisen

Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 11:00
Every year it's carnival, and every year she has the same problem: what to wear? Pippi Longstocking doesn't fit anymore, the polar bear costume is too light-colored, Darth Vader sounds weird, the elephant costume makes eating difficult, and her friend wants to wear the pink unicorn costume. A witch costume might scare people. Maybe other countries, like Great Britain, have different customs, like a football festival.
Artistic depiction of the event

Zwischen Konfetti und Polo­naisen

Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 12:30
Every year it's carnival, and every year she has the same problem: what to wear? Pippi Longstocking doesn't fit anymore, the polar bear costume is too light-colored, Darth Vader sounds weird, the elephant costume makes eating difficult, and her friend wants to wear the pink unicorn costume. A witch costume might scare people. Maybe other countries, like Great Britain, have different customs, like a football festival.
February 24, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Zwischen Konfetti und Polo­naisen

Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 10:00
Every year it's carnival, and every year she has the same problem: what to wear? Pippi Longstocking doesn't fit anymore, the polar bear costume is too light-colored, Darth Vader sounds weird, the elephant costume makes eating difficult, and her friend wants to wear the pink unicorn costume. A witch costume might scare people. Maybe other countries, like Great Britain, have different customs, like a football festival.
February 25, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Zwischen Konfetti und Polo­naisen

Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 10:00
Every year it's carnival, and every year she has the same problem: what to wear? Pippi Longstocking doesn't fit anymore, the polar bear costume is too light-colored, Darth Vader sounds weird, the elephant costume makes eating difficult, and her friend wants to wear the pink unicorn costume. A witch costume might scare people. Maybe other countries, like Great Britain, have different customs, like a football festival.
Artistic depiction of the event

Zwischen Konfetti und Polo­naisen

Tue, Feb 25, 2025, 11:30
Every year it's carnival, and every year she has the same problem: what to wear? Pippi Longstocking doesn't fit anymore, the polar bear costume is too light-colored, Darth Vader sounds weird, the elephant costume makes eating difficult, and her friend wants to wear the pink unicorn costume. A witch costume might scare people. Maybe other countries, like Great Britain, have different customs, like a football festival.
February 26, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Zwischen Konfetti und Polo­naisen

Wed, Feb 26, 2025, 10:00
Every year it's carnival, and every year she has the same problem: what to wear? Pippi Longstocking doesn't fit anymore, the polar bear costume is too light-colored, Darth Vader sounds weird, the elephant costume makes eating difficult, and her friend wants to wear the pink unicorn costume. A witch costume might scare people. Maybe other countries, like Great Britain, have different customs, like a football festival.